do_auth & IOS-XR

ios-xr bug: sends blank ip in conf t. tac_plus really should send an "unknown" for this. I'd submit a patch, but I'm no good at C. job == networker, job != programmer. Heasley strongly disagrees with me on this though. Even though I'm obviously right, I suppose someday I'll have fix the parsing to ignore any options not sent. ;-) Till then: v1.4: (Removed)

Simple workaround: -i $address -fix_crs_bug. I advise you use it even if you don't use ios-xr.

Version 1.5 Feb 28 2011 Corrected a stupid mistake in the example. (python | less) Thanks to aojea. v1.5 (Also removed - scroll up for latest version)

Note: I haven't done any work on this because, to the best of my knowledge, I'm the only one who uses it. If you find it useful, write a quick post!